Our Summer Mentorship Program is designed for players 12+ to work on their mental skills. Players are paired with a pro/college player and placed together in a Google Classroom. Each week player and mentor will meet virtually for 30 minutes at a time that is convienent for both parties. They will use our research based unique mental skills curriculum to facilitate their conversations. Topics for the program include: routines/habits, strengths, performance anxiety, managing mistakes, critique/criticism and goal setting. The program runs from June 24th-August 4th, for 6 weeks during summer with AN OPTION TO EXTEND AN ADDITIONAL 6 weeks past the August 4th ending!  If you opt to extend you will get to decide towards the end of the program and will need to reregister for the extension. Extension cost is $150 and includes meetings every other week. Your child's mentor will stay the same. This program is a wonderful way to work on your mental game alongside a female athlete who has been in her shoes.